<# This script will manage the start of the Citrix Desktop Service. This script will read the values under the following registry key to determine how long to wait before starting the Citrix Desktop Service. - Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\VDAHelper - Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\VDAHelper - Note that the values set under the Policies key have a higher priority. The VDAHelperSettingsEnabled tells the script if it should action or ignore all other settings under this registry key - Type: REG_DWORD - Value: VDAHelperSettingsEnabled - Data: 0=False; 1=True The DelayDesktopServiceTime value tells this script, in seconds, how long to wait before starting the Citrix Desktop Service - Type: REG_DWORD - Value: DelayDesktopServiceTime The TriggerOnTaskEndEvent value tells this script to wait for a task to end before starting the Citrix Desktop Service - Type: REG_DWORD - Value: TriggerOnTaskEndEvent - Data: 0=False; 1=True The TaskNameFullPath value tells this script to which task to base the trigger event off before starting the Citrix Desktop Service - Type: REG_SZ - Value: TaskNameFullPath The MaximumTaskWaitTime value tells this script, in seconds, how long to wait for the task to start/end before starting the Citrix Desktop Service. This ensures that any failure in the task trigger events does not ultimately prevent the Citrix Desktop Service from starting. - Type: REG_DWORD - Value: MaximumTaskWaitTime The LogonEventUserName value tells this script which username will be in the logon event 4624 so that it can collect the "Logon ID" value to match it with a logoff event. - Type: REG_SZ - Value: LogonEventUserName The DefaultDomainName value tells this script what to set the Winlogon DefaultDomainName value to once the autologon process has started. This allows us to use a local account for the Autologon process. - Type: REG_SZ - Value: DefaultDomainName IMPORTANT NOTES: - The TriggerOnTaskEndEvent value (0 or 1) will determine if the script waits for the specified task to start and end or uses the DelayDesktopServiceTime value instead. - During the initial implementation I found that the logoff event for the autologon account may occur a few seconds after the task ends. When this happens, and depending on how quickly the the VDA registers with the Delivery Controller, it may cause a power managed VDI machine to reboot again; creating a reboot loop. This is simply a timing issue. So to work around this, we also wait for the logoff event that tells us that the session has been destroyed/terminated. This presented me with a challenge as I was unable tie events 4624 (logon) and 4634 (logoff) together. We can, however, tie the 4624 (logon) event to the 4647 (logoff) event. However, this event just tells us that the logoff was initiated and not complete. A 4634 (logoff) event will follow, but there is no information in that event which allows us to formally tie them together. Therefore, we make the assumption that the 4634 event that follows the 4647 event is the actual complete termination of the logoff, which is when the logon session is actually destroyed. At this point it's then safe to start the Citrix Desktop Service without the risk of a reboot loop occuring. - I have found that it may take some time for the 4634 (logoff) event to come through that tells you that the session has been destroyed/terminated. This is typically due to antivirus software. Future Improvements: - Delete the SavedListOfDDCsSids.xml as per https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX216883 - The Get-DeliveryControllers function needs to be updated to look in the C:\Personality.ini for MCS deployments - Can take different actions based on image type or manual deployment. https://github.com/megamorf/CitrixImagingTools/issues/13 Script name: StartCitrixDesktopService.ps1 Release 3.2 Written by Jeremy Saunders (jeremy@jhouseconsulting.com) 16th October 2017 Modified by Jeremy Saunders (jeremy@jhouseconsulting.com) 31st January 2023 #> #------------------------------------------------------------- # Set Powershell Compatibility Mode Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 # Enable verbose, warning and error mode $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' $WarningPreference = 'Continue' $ErrorPreference = 'Continue' $StartDTM = (Get-Date) #------------------------------------------------------------- $invalidChars = [io.path]::GetInvalidFileNamechars() $datestampforfilename = ((Get-Date -format s).ToString() -replace "[$invalidChars]","-") # Get the TEMP path $logPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() $logPath = $logPath.Substring(0,$logPath.Length-1) $ScriptName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFilenameWithoutExtension($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path.ToString()) $logFile = "$logPath\$ScriptName-$($datestampforfilename).log" try { Start-Transcript "$logFile" } catch { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): This host does not support transcription" } #------------------------------------------------------------- # Set to true if you want to check if there are valid Delivery Controller(s) set # under the following registry values: # - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent\ListOfDDCs # - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent\ListOfDDCs # Note that the Policies value is checked first. $CheckForValidity = $True # Set the number of seconds to wait between validity checks of the ListOfDDCs # registry value. $interval = 10 # Set the number of times to repeat the validity before continuing. $RepeatValidityCheck = 25 # Set to true if you want to restart the service(s) if already started. $StopServiceIfAlreadyStarted = $True # Create the hashtable for services to be started $ServicesToStart = @{} # Create an object for each service that needs to be started $objService = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ "Name" = "BrokerAgent" "DisplayName" = "Citrix Desktop Service" } # Add the object to the hashtable $ServicesToStart.Add($objService.Name,$objService) #------------------------------------------------------------- Function Get-VDAHelperSettings { # This function read the values under the following registry key to determine how long to wait # before starting the Citrix Desktop Service. # - Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\VDAHelper # - Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\VDAHelper # Note that the values set under the Policies key have a higher priority. $regKey1 = "SOFTWARE\Citrix\VDAHelper" $regKey2 = "SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\VDAHelper" $ResultProps = @{ VDAHelperSettingsEnabled = 0 DelayDesktopServiceTime = 0 TriggerOnTaskEndEvent = 0 TaskNameFullPath = "" MaximumTaskWaitTime = 0 LogonEventUserName = "" DefaultDomainName = "" } $results = @() # Create an instance of the Registry Object and open the HKLM base key $reg = [microsoft.win32.registrykey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine',$env:computername) Try { $thisRegKey = $reg.OpenSubKey($regKey1) ForEach ($Key in $($ResultProps.Keys)) { Try { If ($null -ne $thisRegKey.GetValue($Key)) { If ($thisRegKey.GetValueKind($Key) -eq "String") { $ResultProps.$Key = $thisRegKey.GetValue($Key).Trim() } Else { $ResultProps.$Key = $thisRegKey.GetValue($Key) } } } Catch [System.Exception] { #$($_.Exception.Message) } } } Catch [System.Exception] { #$($_.Exception.Message) } Try { $thisRegKey = $reg.OpenSubKey($regKey2) ForEach ($Key in $($ResultProps.Keys)) { Try { If ($null -ne $thisRegKey.GetValue($Key)) { If ($thisRegKey.GetValueKind($Key) -eq "String") { $ResultProps.$Key = $thisRegKey.GetValue($Key).Trim() } Else { $ResultProps.$Key = $thisRegKey.GetValue($Key) } } } Catch [System.Exception] { #$($_.Exception.Message) } } } Catch [System.Exception] { #$($_.Exception.Message) } $results += New-Object PsObject -Property $ResultProps return $results } Function IsTaskValid { param([string]$TaskNameFullPath) If ($TaskNameFullPath -Match "\\") { $TaskName = $TaskNameFullPath.Split('\')[1] $TaskRootFolder = $TaskNameFullPath.Split('\')[0] + "\" } Else { $TaskName = $TaskNameFullPath $TaskRootFolder = "\" } $TaskExists = $False # Create the TaskService object. Try { [Object] $service = new-object -com("Schedule.Service") If (!($service.Connected)){ Try { $service.Connect() $rootFolder = $service.GetFolder("$TaskRootFolder") $rootFolder.GetTasks(0) | ForEach-Object { If ($_.Name -eq $TaskName) { $TaskExists = $True } #If } #ForEach } #Try Catch [System.Exception]{ "Scheduled Task Connection Failed" } } #If } #Try Catch [System.Exception]{ "Scheduled Task Object Creation Failed" } #Catch return $TaskExists } Function IsEventLogValid { param([string]$EventLog) $EventLogExists = $False Try { Get-WinEvent -ListLog "$EventLog" -ErrorAction Stop | out-null $EventLogExists = $True } Catch [System.Exception]{ #$($_.Exception.Message) } return $EventLogExists } function Get-TaskEventRunTime { param ( [switch]$start, [switch]$end, [string]$taskPath ) $results = @() $ResultProps = @{ EventFound = $False TimeCreated = [datetime]"1/1/1600" ErrorMessage = "" } # in case taskpath contains quotes, have to escape (double) them $taskPath = $taskPath.Replace("'","''") If ($Start) { # fetch the most recent start event (100) event $XPath = "*[System[(EventID=100)]] and *[EventData[Data[1]='" + $taskPath + "']]" } If ($End) { # fetch the most recent success event (102) or failed (111) event $XPath = "*[System[((EventID=102) or (EventID=111))]] and *[EventData[Data[1]='" + $taskPath + "']]" } Try { get-winevent -LogName 'Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational' -FilterXPath $XPath -MaxEvents 1 -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object{ $ResultProps.EventFound = $True $ResultProps.TimeCreated = $_.TimeCreated } } Catch { $ResultProps.ErrorMessage = $($_.Exception.Message) #$($_.Exception.Message) } $results += New-Object PsObject -Property $ResultProps return $results } function Get-LastBootTime { return [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime) } function Get-LogonLogoffEvent { param ( [switch]$Logon, [switch]$Logoff, [string]$UserName, [string]$Event, [string]$LogonID="" ) $results = @() $ResultProps = @{ EventFound = $False TimeCreated = [datetime]"1/1/1600" LogonID = "" } If ($Logon) { # Query to check that the session has logged on. $xmlquery=@" "@ } If ($Logoff -AND $Event -eq "4647") { # Query to check that the logoff has been initiated $xmlquery=@" "@ } If ($Logoff -AND $Event -eq "4634") { # Query to check that the session has been terminated/destroyed $xmlquery=@" "@ } Try { Get-WinEvent -MaxEvents 1 -FilterXml $xmlquery -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object{ $ResultProps.EventFound = $True $ResultProps.TimeCreated = $_.TimeCreated if ($_.ID -eq "4624") { $ResultProps.LogonID = $_.Properties[7].Value } if ($_.ID -eq "4647") { $ResultProps.LogonID = $_.Properties[3].Value } if ($_.ID -eq "4634") { # } } } Catch { #$($_.Exception.Message) } $results += New-Object PsObject -Property $ResultProps return $results } Function XDPing { # To test if the Broker service is reachable, listening and processing requests on its configured port, # you can issue blank HTTP POST requests at the Broker's Registrar service, which is located at # /Citrix/CdsController/IRegistrar. If the first line displayed is "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue", then the # Broker service responded and deemed to be healthy. param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][String]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][Int32]$Port, [String]$ProxyServer="", [Int32]$ProxyPort ) $URI = "http://$ComputerName/Citrix/CdsController/IRegistrar" $InitialDataToSend = "POST $URI HTTP/1.1`r`nContent-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8`r`nHost: ${ComputerName}:${Port}`r`nContent-Length: 1`r`nExpect: 100-continue`r`nConnection: Close`r`n`r`n" $FinalDataToSend = "X" $IsServiceListening = $False If ($ProxyServer -eq "" -OR $ProxyServer -eq $NULL) { $ConnectToHost = $ComputerName [int]$ConnectOnPort = $Port } Else { $ConnectToHost = $ProxyServer [int]$ConnectOnPort = $ProxyPort #write-verbose "Connecting via a proxy" -verbose } $Saddrf = [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork $Stype = [System.Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Stream $Ptype = [System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::TCP $socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.Socket $saddrf, $stype, $ptype Try { $socket.Connect($ConnectToHost,$ConnectOnPort) #$socket.Connected $initialbytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($InitialDataToSend) #write-verbose "Sending initial data..." -verbose #$InitialDataToSend $NumBytesSent = $socket.Send($initialbytes, $initialbytes.length,[net.sockets.socketflags]::None) #write-verbose "Sent $NumBytesSent bytes" -verbose $numArray = new-object byte[] 21 $socket.ReceiveTimeout = 5000 $NumBytesReceived = $socket.Receive($numArray) #write-verbose "Received $NumBytesReceived bytes" -verbose $output = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($numArray) $finalBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($FinalDataToSend) #write-verbose "Sending final data..." -verbose #$FinalDataToSend $NumBytesSent = $socket.Send($finalBytes, $finalBytes.length,[net.sockets.socketflags]::None) #write-verbose "Sent $NumBytesSent bytes" -verbose $socket.Close() | out-null #write-verbose "Received data..." -verbose #$output if ($output -eq "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue") { $IsServiceListening = $True } } Catch { # } return $IsServiceListening } Function Get-DeliveryControllers { param ( [switch]$Registry ) $DeliveryControllers = "" $Port = 80 $IsServiceListening = $False $RegPath1 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent" $RegPath2 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent" $ListOfDDCsValue = "ListOfDDCs" $ListOfDDCsValueExist = $False $ControllerRegistrarPortValue = "ControllerRegistrarPort" $ControllerRegistrarPortValueExists = $False $RegPath = "" If ($Registry) { $ErrorActionPreference = "stop" try { If ((Get-ItemProperty -Path "$RegPath1" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "$ListOfDDCsValue") -ne $null) { $ListOfDDCsValueExist = $True $RegPath = $RegPath1 } If ((Get-ItemProperty -Path "$RegPath1" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "$ControllerRegistrarPortValue") -ne $null) { $ControllerRegistrarPortValueExists = $True } } catch { # } $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" If ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RegPath)) { $ErrorActionPreference = "stop" try { If ((Get-ItemProperty -Path "$RegPath2" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "$ListOfDDCsValue") -ne $null) { $ListOfDDCsValueExist = $True $RegPath = $RegPath2 } If ((Get-ItemProperty -Path "$RegPath2" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "$ControllerRegistrarPortValue") -ne $null) { $ControllerRegistrarPortValueExists = $True } } catch { # } $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" } } If ($ListOfDDCsValueExist) { If ($Registry) { $DeliveryControllers = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$RegPath" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "$ListOfDDCsValue" If ($ControllerRegistrarPortValueExists) { $Port = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$RegPath" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "$ControllerRegistrarPortValue" } } If ($DeliveryControllers -ne "") { $DeliveryControllers.Split(" ") | ForEach{ $charCount = ($_.ToCharArray() | Where-Object {$_ -eq '.'} | Measure-Object).Count If ($charCount -gt 0) { If (XDPing -ComputerName "$_" -Port $Port) { $IsServiceListening = $True } } } } } $results = @() $ResultProps = @{ UseRegistry = $Registry RegPath = $RegPath.replace("HKLM:\","HKLM\") DeliveryControllers = $DeliveryControllers Port = $Port IsServiceListening = $IsServiceListening } $results += New-Object PsObject -Property $ResultProps return $results } # Get the Operating System Major, Minor, Build and Revision Version Numbers $OSVersion = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version [int]$OSMajorVer = $OSVersion.Major [int]$OSMinorVer = $OSVersion.Minor [int]$OSBuildVer = $OSVersion.Build # Get the UBR (Update Build Revision) from the registry so that the full build number # is the same as the output of of the ver command line. [int]$OSRevisionVer = 0 $Path = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" $ValueExists = $False $ErrorActionPreference = "stop" try { If ((Get-ItemProperty -Path "$Path" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "UBR") -ne $null) { $ValueExists = $True } } catch { # } $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" If ($ValueExists) { [int]$OSRevisionVer = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "$Path" -Name UBR).UBR } #------------------------------------------------------------- If ($CheckForValidity) { $DeliveryControllers = "" $i = 0 Do { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): Checking to see if there is a valid Deliver Controller set under the following registry values:" -verbose write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - `"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent\ListOfDDCs`"" -verbose write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - `"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent\ListOfDDCs`"" -verbose $IsValid = Get-DeliveryControllers -Registry $DeliveryControllers = $IsValid.DeliveryControllers $Port = $IsValid.Port If ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($DeliveryControllers)) { $DeliveryControllers = "none set" } write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - Values found under `"$($IsValid.RegPath)`"" -verbose write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - Attempting an XDPing to Delivery Controller(s): $DeliveryControllers" -verbose write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - Using TCP port: $Port" -verbose If (!$IsValid.IsServiceListening) { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - XDPing failed" -verbose write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - Will check again in $interval seconds" -verbose $i++ If ($i -eq $RepeatValidityCheck) { break } Start-Sleep -Seconds $interval } } Until ($IsValid.IsServiceListening -eq $True) If ($IsValid.IsServiceListening) { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - XDPing successful" -verbose } Else { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - Continuing with invalid Delivery Controller(s): $DeliveryControllers" -verbose } } $VDAHelperSettings = Get-VDAHelperSettings write-verbose "$(Get-Date): The VDA Helper settings are:" -verbose $VDAHelperSettingsEnabled = $VDAHelperSettings.VDAHelperSettingsEnabled write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - VDAHelperSettingsEnabled: $VDAHelperSettingsEnabled (0=False,1=True)" -verbose $TriggerOnTaskEndEvent = $VDAHelperSettings.TriggerOnTaskEndEvent write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - TriggerOnTaskEndEvent: $TriggerOnTaskEndEvent (0=False,1=True)" -verbose $TaskNameFullPath = $VDAHelperSettings.TaskNameFullPath write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - TaskNameFullPath: $TaskNameFullPath" -verbose $DelayDesktopServiceTime = $VDAHelperSettings.DelayDesktopServiceTime write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - DelayDesktopServiceTime: $DelayDesktopServiceTime seconds" -verbose $MaximumTaskWaitTime = $VDAHelperSettings.MaximumTaskWaitTime write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - MaximumTaskWaitTime: $MaximumTaskWaitTime seconds" -verbose $LogonEventUserName = $VDAHelperSettings.LogonEventUserName write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - LogonEventUserName: $LogonEventUserName" -verbose $DefaultDomainName = $VDAHelperSettings.DefaultDomainName write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - DefaultDomainName: $DefaultDomainName" -verbose $LastBootTime = Get-LastBootTime write-verbose "$(Get-Date): This host was last booted on $LastBootTime" -verbose If ($VDAHelperSettingsEnabled) { $TaskExists = IsTaskValid -TaskName:"$TaskNameFullPath" $EventLog = "Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational" $EventLogExists = IsEventLogValid -EventLog:"$EventLog" If ($LastBootTime -gt (Get-Date)) { If ($TriggerOnTaskEndEvent) { $TriggerOnTaskEndEvent = $False write-warning "$(Get-Date -format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"): The last boot up time is greater than the current time. This means that we are unable to trigger on a task event because we cannot accurately correlate the Event logs due to not having a valid starting point." -verbose } } If ($TriggerOnTaskEndEvent -AND $TaskExists -AND $EventLogExists) { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): The `"$TaskNameFullPath`" task is valid" -verbose $StartPhase = (Get-Date) $ValidStart = $False $ValidEnd = $False $ValidLogoffInitiated = $False $ValidLogoffTerminated = $False Do { $TaskLastStartTime = (Get-TaskEventRunTime -Start -Taskpath "$TaskNameFullPath").TimeCreated write-verbose "$(Get-Date): The task last started on $TaskLastStartTime" -verbose If ($LastBootTime -lt $TaskLastStartTime) { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - The task has started." -verbose $ValidStart = $True } Else { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - Waiting $(((Get-Date)-$StartPhase).TotalSeconds) seconds for the task to start after the reboot..." -verbose } If ($(((Get-Date)-$StartPhase).TotalSeconds) -ge $MaximumTaskWaitTime) { $ValidStart = $True $ValidEnd = $True } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } Until ($ValidStart -eq $True) Do { $TaskLastEndTime = (Get-TaskEventRunTime -End -Taskpath "$TaskNameFullPath").TimeCreated write-verbose "$(Get-Date): The task last finished on $TaskLastEndTime" -verbose If ($LastBootTime -lt $TaskLastEndTime -AND $TaskLastStartTime -lt $TaskLastEndTime){ write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - The task has ended." -verbose $ValidEnd = $True } Else { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - Waiting $(((Get-Date)-$StartPhase).TotalSeconds) seconds for the task to end..." -verbose } If ($(((Get-Date)-$StartPhase).TotalSeconds) -ge $MaximumTaskWaitTime) { $ValidEnd = $True } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } Until ($ValidEnd -eq $True) # Confirming that the session has logged on. $LogonEvent = Get-LogonLogoffEvent -Logon -UserName:"$LogonEventUserName" If ($LogonEvent.EventFound) { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): A valid logon event was found for the `"$LogonEventUserName`" user account on $($LogonEvent.TimeCreated)" -verbose Do { # Confirming that the logoff has been initiated. $LogoffEvent4647 = Get-LogonLogoffEvent -Logoff -Event:"4647" -UserName:"$LogonEventUserName" -LogonID:"$($LogonEvent.LogonID)" If ($LogonEvent.TimeCreated -lt $LogoffEvent4647.TimeCreated){ write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - The logoff was initiated on $($LogoffEvent4647.TimeCreated)" -verbose $ValidLogoffInitiated = $True } Else { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - Waiting $(((Get-Date)-$StartPhase).TotalSeconds) seconds for the account to logoff..." -verbose } If ($(((Get-Date)-$StartPhase).TotalSeconds) -ge $MaximumTaskWaitTime) { $ValidLogoffInitiated = $True $ValidLogoffTerminated = $True } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } Until ($ValidLogoffInitiated -eq $True) Do { # Confirming that the session has been terminated/destroyed. For ($i=1; $i -le 10) { If ($OSMajorVer -eq 6 -AND $OSMinorVer -eq 1) { $LogoffEvent4634 = Get-LogonLogoffEvent -Logoff -Event:"4634" -UserName:"${env:computername}$" $i = 10 } Else { $LogoffEvent4634 = Get-LogonLogoffEvent -Logoff -Event:"4634" -UserName:"DWM-$i" } If ($LogoffEvent4647.TimeCreated -le $LogoffEvent4634.TimeCreated){ write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - The logoff for user DWM-$i was terminated on $($LogoffEvent4634.TimeCreated)" -verbose $ValidLogoffTerminated = $True } Else { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - Waiting $(((Get-Date)-$StartPhase).TotalSeconds) seconds for the account to logoff..." -verbose } If ($(((Get-Date)-$StartPhase).TotalSeconds) -ge $MaximumTaskWaitTime) { $ValidLogoffTerminated = $True } If ($ValidLogoffTerminated) { Break } $i++ } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } Until ($ValidLogoffTerminated -eq $True) } Else { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): No valid logon event was found for the `"$LogonEventUserName`" user account." -verbose } } Else { If ($TriggerOnTaskEndEvent) { If ($TaskExists -eq $False) { write-warning "The `"$TaskNameFullPath`" task does not exist" -verbose } If ($EventLogExists -eq $False) { write-warning "The `"$EventLog`" Event Log does not" -verbose write-warning "exist. This may be because there's a new disk attached to the virtual" -verbose write-warning "machine and the Event Logs haven't finished being moved to the new" -verbose write-warning "location. If this is the case, restarting the Virtual Machine again" -verbose write-warning "should address this issue." -verbose } } write-verbose "$(Get-Date): Delaying the starting of the Citrix Desktop Service for $DelayDesktopServiceTime seconds" -verbose Start-Sleep -s $DelayDesktopServiceTime } } If (!([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($DefaultDomainName))) { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Setting the DefaultDomainName to `"$DefaultDomainName`"" -verbose Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name "DefaultDomainName" -Type STRING -Value "$DefaultDomainName" –Force } ForEach ($key in $ServicesToStart.keys) { $ServiceName = $ServicesToStart.$key.Name $ServiceDisplayName = $ServicesToStart.$key.DisplayName write-verbose "$(Get-Date): Setting the `"$ServiceDisplayName`" service to Manual start type..." -verbose # Possible results using the sc.exe command line tool: # [SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS # [SC] OpenSCManager FAILED 5: Access is denied. # [SC] OpenSCManager FAILED 1722: The RPC server is unavailable." --> Computer shutdown # [SC] OpenService FAILED 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service." --> Service not installed Invoke-Command {cmd /c sc.exe config "$ServiceName" start= demand} | out-null If ($StopServiceIfAlreadyStarted) { # Stop the service $objservice = Get-Service "$ServiceName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue If ($objService) { If ($objService.Status -eq "Running") { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): Stopping the service..." -verbose stop-service -name "$ServiceName" -verbose do { Start-sleep -s 5 write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - waiting for the service to stop" -verbose } until ((get-service "$ServiceName").Status -eq "Stopped") write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - the service has stopped" -verbose } Else { If ($objService.Status -eq "Stopped") { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): The service is not running" -verbose } } } Else { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): The `"$ServiceDisplayName`" service does not exist" -verbose } } # Start the Service $objservice = Get-Service "$ServiceName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue If ($objService) { If ($objService.Status -eq "Stopped") { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): Starting the service..." -verbose start-service -name "$ServiceName" -verbose do { Start-sleep -s 5 write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - waiting for the service to start" -verbose } until ((get-service "$ServiceName").Status -eq "Running") write-verbose "$(Get-Date): - the service has started" -verbose } Else { If ($objService.Status -eq "Running") { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): The service is already running" -verbose } } } Else { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): The `"$ServiceDisplayName`" service does not exist" -verbose } } #------------------------------------------------------------- $EndDTM = (Get-Date) write-verbose "$(Get-Date): Elapsed Time: $(($EndDTM-$StartDTM).TotalSeconds) Seconds" -Verbose write-verbose "$(Get-Date): Elapsed Time: $(($EndDTM-$StartDTM).TotalMinutes) Minutes" -Verbose try { Stop-Transcript } catch { write-verbose "$(Get-Date): This host does not support transcription" }